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Is This An Opportunity To Realign Unionist Politics?

13 May 2021

Statesmanship and principled leadership will have been forfeited to the wheeler-dealing of cluttered mindsets and frozen identities in a world of diversity. The tub-thumpers will continue to be bolstered by a fudged carve-up flavoured by resentment and back-pedalling into a cul-de-sac.

Who Is Better Off, North or South In Ireland?

29 April 2021

Those who bear ill-will to the UK like to bad-mouth Northern Ireland and wrongly suggest that it has a feeble economy propped up by British subsidies. In fact, the NI economy is quite competitive and support for public services under the generous UK-wide arrangements means that the people of NI enjoy higher living standards than in the Irish Republic. The low standards of the Republic are surprising given that it is world’s largest tax haven

Loyalists Have Been Left Feeling Betrayed & Unrepresented

15 April 2021

All they see from their politicians and the peace and reconciliation bandwagon is lies, deceit and no sense of direction, let alone anyone to express ordinary unionist-loyalist interests, anger and frustrations.